Basics of Solidity (Part 2)

Basics of Solidity (Part 2)

Data Types of Solidity Programming


Solidity is a high-level programming language used to write smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Like other programming languages, Solidity supports various data types that are used to define the type and range of values that can be stored and manipulated by variables and functions. Solidity data types can be broadly classified into two categories: value types and reference types.

In this blog, we will discuss the different data types of Solidity programming, including their syntax, ranges, and use cases. Understanding data types is a crucial aspect of writing Solidity code that is efficient, secure, and error-free.

Value Types in Solidity

Value types include basic types such as boolean, integers (uint and int), fixed-point numbers (fixed and ufixed), address, and enumeration types. These types store their values directly in memory, and when a value type is assigned to another variable, a copy of the original value is made.

Boolean Type

The boolean data type in Solidity represents the logical values true and false. It is used to perform logical operations such as if-else statements, while loops, and conditional expressions. It is declared using the keyword bool. In the example below, the value true is assigned to the boolean variable isTrue.

bool isTrue = true;

Integer Type

The integer type is used to store whole numbers, both positive and negative. There are two types of integer types in Solidity: int and uint. int is used for signed integers while uint is used for unsigned integers, meaning they cannot store negative values. The range of uint is from 0 to 2^256-1, while the range of int is from -2^255 to 2^255-1.

The most commonly used integer types are uint256 and int256, which are unsigned and signed integers of 256 bits, respectively. It's worth noting that Solidity supports other integer types as well, such as uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uint128, int8, int16, int32, and int64. The choice of integer type depends on the specific use case and the range of values that need to be stored.

The syntax for declaring an integer variable is as follows:

uint256 myNumber = 1234;
int256 myBalance = -1000;

The first line declares a variable called myNumber of type uint256 and assigns it the value 1234. The second line declares a variable called myBalance of type int256 and assigns it the value -1000.

It's important to choose the appropriate integer type to avoid potential errors or security vulnerabilities. For example, using an integer type that is too small to store a value can result in unexpected behavior, while using an integer type that is too large can waste resources and increase the risk of integer overflow vulnerabilities.

Address Type

The address data type in Solidity represents a 20-byte or 160-bit Ethereum address. It is used to store and manipulate Ethereum addresses. It returns in hexadecimal notation with a leading 0x. The syntax for declaring an address variable is as follows:

address myAddress = 0x6d190D860C3a8f6ee0FD9Bd947D4de37714dFCFE;

In this example, the address 0x6d190D860C3a8f6ee0FD9Bd947D4de37714dFCFE is assigned to the variable myAddress.

Enumeration Type

An enumeration type is a user-defined data type that represents a set of named values. It is used to define a finite set of values that a variable can take. They are declared using the keyword enum. The syntax for declaring an enum is as follows:

enum Color {

Color myColor = Color.Green;

In this example, the first line of code declares a enum called Color with three possible values: Red, Green, and Blue.

The second line of code declares a variable called myColor of type Color and assigns it the value Color.Green. This means that myColor is assigned the second enumerator of the Color enum, which is Green.

Fixed-Point Number Types

Fixed-point number types are used to represent decimal numbers with a fixed number of decimal places. The fixed and ufixed types are used for signed and unsigned fixed-point numbers, respectively. They are declared as follows: fixed or ufixed [M]x[N], where M represents the number of bits used for the integer part and N represents the number of bits used for the fractional part.

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract FixedPointExample {
    fixed8x1 public myFixedNumber = 1.5;
    fixed256x18 public myBigFixedNumber = 123.456789012345678901;

    function multiplyFixedNumbers() public view returns (fixed8x1) {
        fixed8x1 result = myFixedNumber * myFixedNumber;
        return result;

In this example, we declare two fixed-point number variables called myFixedNumber and myBigFixedNumber, with types fixed8x1 and fixed256x18, respectively.

fixed8x1 represents a number with 8 bits for the integer part and 1 bit for the fractional part, while fixed256x18 represents a number with 256 bits for the integer part and 18 bits for the fractional part.

In the multiplyFixedNumbers() function, we multiply myFixedNumber by itself and return the result, which is also a fixed-point number of type fixed8x1.

Fixed-point number types are useful when you need to represent decimal numbers with a fixed number of decimal places and avoid the rounding errors that can occur with floating-point numbers.

Reference Types in Solidity

Reference types include more complex types such as arrays, mappings, and structs. Unlike value types that store the actual value in memory, reference types store a reference to the memory location where the value is stored. This means that when a variable of a reference type is assigned to another variable, they both refer to the same memory location.

String Type

string in Solidity is a reference type. This means that when you create a string variable and assign a value to it, the variable stores a reference to the memory location where the actual string data is stored.

Simply put, the string data type represents a sequence of characters. It is used to store and manipulate textual data.

The syntax for declaring a string variable is as follows:

string myString = "Hello, World!";

In the example, we declare a variable named myString of type string and initializes it with the value "Hello, World!". You can use this string variable to store and manipulate string values in your Solidity program. For example, you could pass this string variable to a function that takes a string argument or concatenate it with other strings using the + operator.

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract StringExample {
    string public myString = "Hello, ";

    function concatString(string memory _str) public view returns (string memory) {
        return myString + _str;

In this example, we have defined a Solidity contract named StringExample. The contract has a public myString variable that is initialized with the value "Hello, ".

We have also defined a function named concatString that takes a string argument _str. This function returns a new string value that is created by concatenating the myString variable with the _str argument using the + operator. Note that we have used the memory keyword to indicate that the _str argument is a temporary variable that should be stored in memory.

You can call the concatString function with any string value, and it will return a new string that combines the myString variable and the input string. For example, if you call concatString("Josnif"), it will return the string "Hello, Josnif".

Array Type

An array is a collection of elements of the same data type. Solidity supports both fixed-size and dynamic arrays. Fixed-size arrays are declared as follows:

[size] type[] arrayName;

Here is a breakdown of the components of this syntax:

  • size - this is an optional value that specifies the maximum size of the array. If not specified, the array can grow dynamically.

  • type - this specifies the data type of the elements that the array can store.

  • [] - these square brackets indicate that this is an array type.

  • arrayName - this is the name of the array variable.

For example, if we want to declare an array of integers with a maximum size of 10, we can use the following code:

uint256[10] myArray;

This creates an array named myArray that can hold up to 10 unsigned integers. We can also create an array without specifying a maximum size, like this:

uint256[] myDynamicArray;

This creates a dynamic array named myDynamicArray that can hold an unlimited number of unsigned integers. We can add elements to this array using the push() method, like this:


Now, myDynamicArray contains the elements [10, 20, 30]. We can access individual elements of the array using their index, like this:

uint256 firstElement = myDynamicArray[0];

This assigns the value 10 to the firstElement variable. We can also concatenate arrays using the + operator, like this:

uint256[] array1 = [1, 2, 3];
uint256[] array2 = [4, 5, 6];
uint256[] allArray = array1 + array2;

This creates an array named allArray that contains the elements [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

Struct Type

A struct is a user-defined data type that groups variables of different data types under a single name. It is used to define complex data structures. The syntax for declaring a struct is as follows:

struct Person { string name; uint256 age; }
Person myPerson = Person("John", 30);

In this example, we declare a struct named Person with two member variables, namely name of type string and age of type uint256. The Person struct groups together a string variable name and a uint256 variable age.

The second line of code initializes a new Person variable named myPerson with the values "John" and 30 for the name and age variables, respectively. In this example, we can create an instance of the Person struct that holds the information of a person with the name "John" and the age of 30. We can access these values using the dot notation, e.g., and myPerson.age.

Mapping Type

A mapping is a collection of key-value pairs where the keys can be of any type. Mappings are used to store data in a key-value format. They are declared as follows:

mapping (keyType => valueType) mappingName;

For example, we can declare a mapping named myMapping where the keys are uint and the values are string.

mapping (uint => string) myMapping;

We can use the above example in a contract as follows:

contract MyContract {
    mapping (uint => string) myMapping;

    function setString(uint index, string memory value) public {
        myMapping[index] = value;

    function getString(uint index) public view returns (string memory)     
        return myMapping[index];

The setString function takes two arguments: an unsigned integer index and a string value. It sets the value of the myMapping mapping at the specified index to the given value.

The getString function takes a single argument: an unsigned integer index. It retrieves the value associated with the given key in the myMapping mapping and returns it. The function is marked with the view modifier, which indicates that it does not modify the state of the contract.

// create a new instance of the contract
MyContract myContract = new MyContract();

// set a value in the mapping
myContract.setString(42, "Hello, world");

// retrieve the value from the mapping with index 42
string memory value = myContract.getString(42); // The variable value will be set to "Hello, world".

In this example, we create a new instance of the MyContract contract and call the setString function to set the value associated with the key 42 to the string "Hello, world". We then call the getString function to retrieve the value associated with the same key and store it in the value variable.


Solidity supports a wide range of built-in data types, including integers, booleans, addresses, mappings, and structs. Developers can also define their custom data types using struct and enum types.

When developing smart contracts in Solidity, it's important to choose the appropriate data types for the variables and functions in your code. You should consider factors such as the range of values you need to represent, the precision required, and the gas costs associated with different data types.

In general, it's a good practice to use the smallest data type that can represent your values accurately. This can help to reduce the gas costs of your contract and improve its efficiency.

What's Next:

Understanding data types in Solidity is an important first step in developing smart contracts, but it is not the only step. Solidity also provides a wide range of built-in functions and programming constructs that you can use to build more complex smart contracts.

Loops and conditionals, for example, allow you to perform conditional and repetitive operations, while functions allow you to modularize your code and make it more reusable. By exploring these features, you can create more sophisticated and powerful smart contracts.